Welcome to the Res taurant Specialists Dobrodošli na Res taurant stručnjaci Why do we call ourselves Zašto mi sami poziv the restaurant speci alists? restoran speci alists? Experience, that is why! Iskustva, koji je razlog zašto! We have more than 35 years experience in the restaurant business and more than 30 years experience in Imamo više od 35 godina iskustva u restoran poslovne i više od 30 godina iskustva u Commercial Real Estate. Komercijalne nekretnine. |
|  | Newest Listings Newest Listings Restaurant for sale in Downtown Decatur Restoran na prodaju u centru Decatur Lots of Pedestrian Traffic at this location. Mnogo pješačke prometa na ovoj lokaciji. High Profile Visoki Profil with excellent visibilty. s odličnim visibilty. This place is a breakfast lunch Ovo mjesto je doručak ručak location and can be continued as such, lokacija i može se nastavio kao takve, or stay open later and increase the potential. ili ostati otvoren kasnije i povećati potencijal. |
Buying a Restaurant Kupujete Restoran What we can do for you when you buy a restaurant Što možemo učiniti za Vas kada ste kupiti restoran We offer a perspective that only experience as a restaurant owner could bring. Nudimo perspektive da samo iskustvo kao vlasnik restorana mogao donijeti. Valuation is not an exact science. Procjena nije točna znanost. Knowing the market value as well as the market potential of a restaurant is very important. Poznavajući tržišnoj vrijednosti, kao i na tržištu potencijal restoran je vrlo važno. We can help you ... Mi Vam možemo pomoći ... |