Author Archives: AtlantaRex
Restaurant Internet Marketing
Here, I am going to post some tips on a regular basis
that can help you with your internet marketing.
These actually very simple things that you that you can do on your own,
or ask whomever is working on your website to do to improve your internet presence. Continue reading
Writing a Restaurant Business Plan
1. If you address all of the areas of a standard business plan, you will probably have uncovered all of the information that you need to find to start your business. Continue reading
South/Central American Grill near Atlanta
This unique South American grill has great potential for increasing sales in its already thriving breakfast, lunch and dinner offerings. Continue reading
Going Green & saving on your electric bill!
Going Green and Saving on Utilities Continue reading
Caribbean Delight with a French Flair
surrounded by a very strong Caribbean based population within an easy commute of Atlanta’s employment centers. Continue reading
Decatur Georgia Corner Cafe for Sale
Doug Marranci Atlanta Restaurant Exchange – Atlanta Georgia Restaurant for sale. High profile Decatur location with a high traffic count, Plenty of easy parking in close by commercial and municipal lots, Fully equipped kitchen suitable for any concept. This … Continue reading
Restaurant for sale? Use a Restaurant Broker!
You’ve thought about it a long time. You’ve been doing this a long time. It’s time to get out. But…where do you start? Continue reading
Family Favorite Ice Cream Shop for sale
Towns favorite Ice Cream Shop is offered for sale near Atlanta Georgia Continue reading
Economy, Restaurants and yard sales…
Anyone who is in the restaurant business, or goes to the grocery store is aware of rapidly increasing prices. Continue reading